
Showing posts from May, 2018

The pH Cabbage Color Lab

The pH Cabbage Color Lab By: Brady Pauken  Overview:        Using cabbage juice, in this lab we created a color spectrum using different pH levels in the juice. We used a controlled variable which was just untouched cabbage juice, which has a pH of 7. It is the color purple. We then added HCL and NaOH to the cabbage juice. This changed the pH of the juice, which also changes its color.  Picture: The test tube labeled "Our Own Experiment" was a mixture of around 10 drops of both acid and base, but perhaps a bit more base because it is a similar color to the bases. Data Table: This is a Data Table for each of the Test Tubes (Note that test tube 1 is on the right, and follows order from right to left(except for the "Our own experiment" tube))  Graph: This is the graph of the # of drops put into the juice as the x axis, and the pH as the y axis. I did this because the pH depends on the # of drops put into the juice. A...